Cancer--What can it be?

Via logic I think what if strands of dead DNA are responsible? These could be used as nutrients to our own cells and produce a mutation. Now this hasn't been proved. BUT it would make the only anti cancer food to eat distilled water, white flour, refined sugar. As dead DNA is everywhere except in refined foods....this would really annoy the nutritionists. But we can get nutrition without dead DNA, that might be expensive. In the plant world cancer is also--but plants are fed compost and humus. Moot points it deserves to be investigated nothing for sure yet.


Some viruses are just strands of DNA and a bacteria has DNA. The spread of Cancer is like a viral or bacterial colony. Man made divisions.

So we could treat Cancer with selected suitable antiviral or antibiotic drugs. 

Also Aids could be treated with certain anti cancer or antibiotics.

Bacterial treated with certain antiviral or anticancer drugs. 

Well at least this should give one new drug. The above is not for patients this is for Pharmaceutical companies and Research doctors. It would be dangerous to experiment. 


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